viernes, 16 de junio de 2017

Some fruits that may help you have a healthy heart

Regardless of the fruit we have in our hands, it is always recommendable to opt for the additive – free options. It is undoubtedly better to eat the fruit instead of drinking the juice.

It is well-know there are plenty of heart diseases linked to high – blood pressure and high cholesterol levels. These diseases usually pop up and progress in a silent way. As per Dr. Michael Blaha, good feeding habits are essential for a better quality of life. Luckily, there are fruits that boost our heart health.

What fruits can help us take care of the ticker?

Fruits are gifts of nature that contain minerals, vitamins and a lot of fiber. According to the experts, we should eat at least five pieces of fruit per day; that’s why they are an essential part of the food pyramid. Do you eat five pieces of fruit every day? There’s a great variety of fruits you can choose from, but only some promote heart health. Take a look at the list below.
1.     Cherries and red – colored fruits
Red fruits are rich in antioxidants, especially one called lycopene which is a powerful compound that protects the heart very well. Fruits such as the watermelon and the grapefruit are also good for the heart. They are rich in anthocyanins, which improve blood circulation and clean the veins from toxins. Anthocyanins can be found in red fruits like apples and cherries. In accord with the studies carried out by Dr. Bahram, apples are miracle fruits because they count on a great potential to reduce bad cholesterol. 

Apart from the apples, cherries and other red fruits, red berries and pomegranates are beneficial for the heart since they are compounded by ellagic acid, which helps regulate cholesterol, blood pressure and circulation. In addition to this, eating grapes and blackberries is a good way to prevent a cardiac arrest due to a chemical compound named resveratrol, another antioxidant that protects the heart and other organs from damage and cancer. Don’t forget about strawberries, bilberries and papayas when it comes to preventing heart diseases.
2.     Kiwis and the green –colored fruits
What fruits come to mind when you read green color? Kiwis, melons, green apples, and pears. All those fruits have a lot quantity of vitamin K and magnesium. They clean our blood from pathogens and help us defend against a lot of heart diseases. It is ideal to start the day with a green apple or a pear.
3.     Purple fruits
Dietitians consider black, purple and blue fruits as good allies at the moment of preventing and fighting heart problems. They are rich in antioxidants, reduce bad cholesterol, and have anti-cancer properties. If some of these fruits occur in your city, eat them only in their seasons. Plums, figs, black currants, blueberries, and raisins are some of the fruits you can choose from. Keep in mind that they are a little hard to find since they don’t grow everywhere.
Dr. Eric Rimm, associate professor at Harvard Medical School pointed out that starting the day with a blueberry provides lots of health benefits, and boots heart’s well-functioning.

Light – colored fruits

Dr. Willet, professor at Harvard School of Public Health once said in an interview that kicking off the day with a healthy diet that included fruits such as bananas, peaches, and white nectarines would close the door to heart diseases since these fruits have a high content of vitamins, minerals, and phytochemical compounds that keep the ticker in good health ( You might as well add one of those fruits to your dinner menu. Light – colored fruits are well-know because they provide potassium in good proportions. 

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